Gear Up for Striper Success: Essential Tackle for Texoma

Lake Texoma is a striper fisherman’s paradise, but landing these hard-fighting fish requires the right gear. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or new to striper fishing, having the right tackle can make all the difference in your success. Here’s a breakdown of essential gear for targeting stripers on Texoma:


  • Medium-heavy to heavy action rods: Stripers are powerful fish, so you need a rod with enough backbone to handle their runs and headshakes. A 7- to 8-foot rod is a good all-around choice for Texoma, offering versatility for different techniques.
  • Fast action: A fast action rod bends mostly in the tip, providing good sensitivity for detecting bites and setting the hook.
  • Graphite or composite material: These materials offer a good balance of strength and sensitivity.


  • Spinning reels: Spinning reels are a popular choice for striper fishing, offering ease of use and good line capacity.
  • Size 3000 to 5000: Choose a reel size that balances well with your rod and can handle the line you’ll be using.
  • Smooth drag: A smooth drag is crucial for fighting strong stripers and preventing line breakage.


  • Braid: Braided line offers excellent sensitivity and strength, making it ideal for detecting bites and fighting fish in heavy cover.
  • 15- to 30-pound test: The line strength you choose will depend on the size of the stripers you’re targeting and the fishing conditions.
  • Fluorocarbon leader: A fluorocarbon leader is less visible to fish and offers abrasion resistance.


  • Topwater lures: Topwater lures like poppers and walking baits can be very effective for stripers, especially during the early morning and late evening hours.
  • Crankbaits: Crankbaits that imitate shad or other baitfish are a good choice for covering water and finding active stripers.
  • Spoons: Spoons are versatile lures that can be cast or trolled. They are effective for imitating baitfish and triggering strikes.
  • Jigs: Jigs in white, silver, or chartreuse colors can be effective for vertical jigging or casting around structure.


  • Fishfinder: A fishfinder is essential for locating stripers, especially in deep water or around structure.
  • GPS: A GPS unit will help you navigate the lake and mark productive fishing spots.

Don’t Forget:

  • Tackle box: A well-organized tackle box will keep your gear easily accessible.
  • Landing net: A large landing net will help you land those trophy stripers safely.
  • Sunscreen and hat: Protect yourself from the Texas sun.
  • Fishing license: Make sure you have a valid Texas fishing license.

Book Your Striper Fishing Trip Today!

Ready to experience the thrill of striper fishing on Lake Texoma? Book a trip with TX Fishing Guide and let our experienced guides put you on the fish! We provide all the necessary gear and expertise to help you have a successful and memorable fishing adventure.