Fishing Report Archive
Fishing Report November 2, 2006
Started out bait fishing today and caught about 10 fish then the birds started working and we caught about 50 more on lures.
Fishing Report November 4, 2006
We fished lures only today. Limited out and caught and released a few more by 10:30.
Fishing Report November 9, 2006
Fished with live bait today and caught them real good. Limited out easy on box and over 20" fish.
Fishing Report November 10, 2006
Fished a group of 4 in the AM and 2 in the PM. Limited out this morning on bait then started with bait in the afternoon. The birds started working in the afternoon so we switched over to lures and caught some good size fish up to 10 LBS. I can hear the wind blowing…
Fishing Report November 11, 2006
Fished a group of 6 in the AM and 6 in the PM. The morning fishing was slow and everywhere we fished the small fish were just wearing us out, we ended up with some keepers in the box and a lot of throw back dinks. The afternoon was much better and we caught a…
Fishing Report November 14, 2006
The weather was perfect and the fishing was good early, limited out with 50 fish in the box. I almost have my new airboat ready to go, should be ready to fish the river for big cats in December.
Fishing Report November 16, 2006
Started off cold this morning so I figured we could get them on lures, wrong, I finally caught some bait at about 9 and we caught about 40 fish on bait then the birds started working and we finished up with lures. After my trip I went to get bait for tomorrow and the fish…
Fishing Report November 17, 2006
Fished a morning group of 4 and 2 in the afternoon. Limited out both trips but the afternoon was much better ,more and bigger fish. We caught a limit on bait in the afternoon then caught and released another limit on slabs up to 8 LBS.
Fishing Report November 19, 2006
Fished a group of 5 this morning, started of slow and we had about 40 fish at 10:30 when it finally turned on and we finished up strong.
Fishing Report November 20, 2006
Fished a group of 2 this afternoon and caught a good limit of fish on bait and lures.