Fishing Report December 22, 2004
I knew the fishing would be good today and I did not have customers so I loaded up and went by myself. The wind was terrible and the waves were huge, temp. was about 28 and it was snowing, perfect striper weather. I headed out of little mineral and headed for the flats, real slow, made it across and turned left towards soldier creek, found a huge school of fish with birds working like crazy. Caught 2 birds and lost count of the fish, most were 5 to 7 LBS. Fished that school for about a hour then I had to get in to pick my girlfriend up from work. Found more fish in a cove on the way in so I stopped and caught a bunch more till I just had to go because I was already a little late. Fished with slabs and sassy shad. It was one of those days that most people will never experience because they would not even consider fishing on a day like today.