Fishing Report September 9, 2009

I did some scouting on the river yesterday and found a good gator gar hole but it looks like we will have to make a little run to get to the flathead cats because it does not look like they are in the gar holes. I had two good gar bites and I missed the first one after he made one long run, he ripped of a lot of line then the hook just broke lose. The second bite I made sure the fish had taken the bait good and when I set the hook the fight was on and I knew I had hooked what I was after. I pulled the fish in close to the boat 3 different times and he would come to the surface and get a breath of air, yes gar have a small lung, then use his long body to lift his head about 3 foot out of the water shaking his head in an attempt to throw the hook. Finally the fish was tired out and I had to get him in the boat for some pics. Getting the fish in and out of the boat by myself was not easy. The pics are not very good but it was tough to do by myself in the dark. No way for me to weigh it but I would say at least 125 and probably closer to 150 LBS

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A few more pics from P.O.C.

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