Fishing Report Archive

Fishing Report September 21, 2009

By Robert Steflik | September 21, 2009

I went down the river this afternoon looking for gator gar and flathead cats. Found some big gar and had some good runs but never hooked one. I had to get off the river with the storms coming so I did not get to fish for the flathead cats. Also found some paddlefish.

Fishing Report September 22, 2009

By Robert Steflik | September 22, 2009

Fished a group of two on the lake this morning. We only fished topwater lures and it was good with lots of over 20" fish and ended up with a good limit of fish. Not as good as last week but still very good. Might be better tomorrow with the cool night.

Fishing Report September 23, 2009

By Robert Steflik | September 23, 2009

Topwater fishing was better today and the first cast produced a 15 LB fish. Lots of nice fish this morning with 2 double digit fish. Should be more of those double digit topwater fish showing up as the water cools off. We kept a limit of fish and released a bunch more. The two big…

Fishing Report September 25, 2009

By Robert Steflik | September 25, 2009

Helped with a big group striper fishing on the lake today. Lake seems to be turning over and the bite was slow but it should improve in the next week. Also fished a river gar and catfish trip that was a bust except for 2 decent blue cats up to 15 LBS.

Fishing Report September 26, 2009

By Robert Steflik | September 26, 2009

Back on the river with a group of four for gator gar and big cats. Only caught a few longnose gar and one 7 LB blue cat. Best part of the trip was watching some fool fly a small plane under the river bridge.

By Robert Steflik | September 27, 2009

Back on the river with the same group of 4 but we had much better luck today. Started out missing one big fish then caught a 20 LB blue cat. Later we hooked a giant and never moved it much and the hook came loose so we were a little down about that till we…

Fishing Report October 2, 2009

By Robert Steflik | October 2, 2009

Fished the river for flatheads and only caught one 16 LB fish. We lost a few good ones and had one big fish get hung in a tree and broke a 80 LB leader but we should have had a few more bites then what we got.

Fishing Report October 4, 2009

By Robert Steflik | October 4, 2009

Fished the lake this afternoon and had great topwater action, nothing big but lots of over 20" fish and good box fish.

Fishing Report October 6, 2009

By Robert Steflik | October 6, 2009

I went to the lake in between storms and the topwater bite was as good as it gets on mostly box fish and a few over 20″ fish. With the bad weather the topwater bite should be good this week.

Fishing Report October 8, 2009

By Robert Steflik | October 8, 2009

Topwater fishing was great early, first cast was a double, that's two striper on one lure and it happened again later in the morning. We caught lots of fish on top but some were small and some to skinny. The sun peaked through the clouds and the topwater was pretty much over so we moved…